Turner-Hazinski Research Award

The Turner-Hazinski Research Award is intended to foster innovative, high risk, high impact, and collaborative projects that will lead to improvements in child health. Faculty members at the Instructor or Assistant Professor rank with a primary appointment in the Department of Pediatrics are strongly encouraged to serve as principal investigators for these applications. 

All awards will be for $35,000/yr. for two years of salary support and other research costs. Applications with a total budget greater than $35,000/yr. will not be considered.

A priority will be given to applications in support of novel ideas that require proof of concept. The goal of the award is for the applicants to generate preliminary data that will lead to investigator initiated extramural funds. When applicable, those pursuing patient-oriented research are expected to leverage VICTR resources also and this should be outlined in your proposal. Additionally, please note that there is no carry forward of funds. The second year of funding will be dependent upon a satisfactory progress report of first year research activities.

The call for letters of intent will be announced in Fall 2024.

2024 Turner-Hazinski Award Recipient

Anna Patrick, MD, PhD

Anna E. Patrick, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Rheumatology

"Role of Fatty Acid Metabolism in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Inflammatory T Cells"





 2023 Turner-Hazinski Award Recipients

Alison Carroll, MD, MPH

Alison R. Carroll, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine

"Integration of Social Determinants of Health in a Prediction Model for Pediatric Healthcare Reutilization"



Jaclyn Tamaroff, MD, MSCI

Jaclyn Tamaroff, MD, MSCI
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes

"Cardiomyopathy and Insulin Sensitivity in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy"

  • YearNameDivisionProject Title
    2022Cristin Fritz, MD, MPHHospital MedicineNOvel MObile REsource for Food Insecurity (NO MORE FI)
    2022Jason Schwartz, MD, PhDHematology/OncologyCharacterizing the Role of SAMD9 and SAMD9L in Inflammatory Signaling
    2021Wael Alrifai, MD, MSNeonatologyOperationalizing Provider Workload Assessment in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
    2021Michael Wolf, MDCritical CareA Personalized Medicine Approach to Cerebral Edema in Diabetic Ketoacidosis
    2020James Antoon, MD, PhDHospital MedicineDevelopment of Neuropsychiatric Adverse Events Research Platform
    2020Daniel Dulek, MDInfectious DiseasesPeripheral Blood RNA Expression Signatures to Predict Post-Transplant Cytomegalovirus Infection
    2020Jennifer Sucre, MDNeonatologyCell By Cell: A Single Cell RNA Sequencing Approach to Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
    2019George Nicholson, MDCardiologyDevelopment of an Intravascular Resistor
    2019Ryan Stark, MDCritical CareEffects of eNOS-ASK1 interactions on endothelial dysfunction during sepsis
    2018Dupree Hatch, MDNeonatologyDeveloping a Learning Health System for Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation
    2018Jennifer Herington, PHDNeonatologyExamination into the in utero and in vivo fetal safety profile of noval tocolytic compounds
    2017William Heerman, MD, MPHGeneral PediatricsCOmpetency-Based Approaches to Community Health (COACH)
    2017Kristen Ogden, PhDInfectious DiseasesRotovirus outer capsid contributions to topism and antigenicity
    2016Girish Hiremath, MD, MPHGastroenterologyIn vivo Esophageal Mucosal Raman Spectra in Children with Eosinophilic Esophagitis
    2016Lori Jordan, MD, PhDNeurologyCognitive Remediation in Children with Congenital Heart Disease
    2015James Cassat, MD, PhDInfectious DiseasesOsteo-immunologic crosstalk during invasive bacterial infection
    2015Leigh Howard, MD, MPHInfectious DiseasesMolecular Epidemiology of Human Rhinovirus and Adenovirus Infections in Young Andean Children
    2014Elaine Shelton, PhDNeonatologyKATP Channel Regulation of Ductus Arteriosus Tone
    2014Nathan Bingham, MD, PhDEndocrinologyThe Hypothalamic Microglial Response to High Fat Diet