Anna E. Patrick, MD, PhD
Anna E. Patrick, MD, PhD
Pediatric Rheumatology
University of Pennsylvania, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Molecular Biophysics
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Pediatrics
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Clinical Interests
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Autoimmune Disease, Autoinflammatory Disease, Immunology, Genetics
Research Information
Dr. Patrick's work focuses on identifying and characterizing pathogenic molecular pathways in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and pediatric autoimmune disease. Her research program employs the study of rare monogenetic mutations associated with disease manifestations to discover novel pathways involved in autoimmunity. This strategy defines the relationship of these pathways to the broader disease population. She has elucidated the role of GATA3, a gene critical for T cell differentiation and function, in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Her research program involves studies in primary human cells using molecular biology, immunology, and next generation sequencing techniques.