Kamal Phelps, MD

Kamal Phelps, MD

Pediatrics, Year 2
Child Neurology Residency Program
Delivery Address
Doctors' Office Tower
2200 Children's Way
Room / Suite

Undergraduate: University of Texas at Austin
Medical School: McGovern Medical School at University of Texas

Kamal is a Texan through and through. Growing up in Southlake, a suburb of Dallas, Texas, his passion for medicine began at an early age. He started pursuing medicine through his high school’s medical academy and furthered his studies at The University of Texas at Austin (The real UT). After receiving his Bachelor’s in Science and Arts in Biology, he began medical school in Houston where he gained a passion for medical education and mentorship. Kamal is fascinated by the field of neurology as he sees the brain as “the last frontier of the human body.” He currently has an interest in pediatric epilepsy surgery.

In his free time, you can find Kamal watching or playing any sport. He is extremely excited to live in Nashville so he can unplug and go hiking and camping with his dog, Maple.