Quick Parenting Assessment (QPA)

The Quick Parenting Assessment (QPA), developed at Vanderbilt University, is a brief, non-stigmatizing approach to support parents. Pediatric health care providers are missing opportunities to support parents' use of healthy discipline. The tool helps health care providers give parents the right level of parenting support. The QPA can be used in pediatrics for children ages 1 to 10 years during well-child visits and for behavioral assessments. Pediatric providers can efficiently learn how to use the QPA via a printable PDF or a 20-minute training module (see Downloads below).

The QPA is designed to improve children’s socioemotional health and prevent disease. Exposure to unhealthy discipline is associated with many mental and physical health problems including child abuse, violence, depression, drug use, suicide attempts, heart disease, lung disease and obesity. In a validation study, children with elevated QPAs were nine times more likely to have behavior problems compared with children with low QPAs. An important step to improve children’s socioemotional health and decreasing rates of disease is to ensure that all parents are using healthy discipline strategies. To our knowledge, the QPA is the first validated parenting assessment tool to be integrated into pediatric primary care and the first to assess parenting behaviors of caregivers who may not attend the clinic visit (e.g. fathers, grandparents).

The QPA can be used as a stand-alone screening tool, or combined with the Pediatric ACEs Algorithm, a more comprehensive ACEs screening instrument that screens for other childhood stressors and parents' stressors. For use of the QPA, commercial or non-commercial, see page 1 of the QPA Instructions (PDF).

For inquiries, email Seth Scholer.


QPA Instructions (PDF)

QPA Training Module (20 mins)

QPA Form - English

QPA Form - Spanish

QPA Form - Arabic

Pediatric ACEs Algorithm