William E. Russell, MD
William E. Russell, MD
Endocrinology, Pediatric
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Pediatric Residency-Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Clinical and Research Children's Service Fellowship-Pediatric Endocrinology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Shiners' Burns Institute, Boston, MA
Pediatric Endocrinology Fellowship, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Clinical Interests
Diabetes, growth, puberty, thyroid, adrenal
Research Information
Dr. Russell studies ways to predict and to prevent type 1 diabetes (T1D) He is the Principal Investigator at Vanderbilt for the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet consortium, which is funded by the National Institutes of Health to prevent type 1 diabetes in people at risk and to preserve insulin secretion in those who have T1D. He led the international abatacept trial (TN18) to determine whether an immune system modulating drug (CTLA4-Ig) can prevent the development of T1D in people at high risk to progress to full-blown T1D. He helped establish the Type 1 Diabetes Immunotherapy Clinic at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt to increase accessibility of newly FDA-approved therapies to patients for the delay and prevention of T1D. The Vanderbilt TrialNet Clinical Center was instrumental in demonstrating the effectiveness of the drug Tzield (teplizumab), the first of such agents FDA approved to delay progression to type 1 diabetes in individuals at risk.