Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship Research Opportunities

Research training is an integral part of the fellowship. The 36 months of fellowship includes 15 months of clinical service, nine weeks of vacation, and 18 months of scholarly activity. Fellows are expected to participate in a core curriculum of lectures in the basics of research, including study design, data analysis, and preparation of manuscripts and grants.

Extensive options for both basic science or clinical research experiences are available through collaboration with the broad spectrum of lab-based and clinical scientists at Vanderbilt University. The Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (VICTR) will play an integral role in the successful completion of a project.

Click here to learn more about the division’s faculty research. 

MSCI and MPH Programs

Selected individuals may also be selected to participate in T32 Research Training Grants sponsored by the Department of Pediatrics with the ability to seek a Master of Science in Clinical Investigation or Master of Public Health degree during their fellowship training through the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. These two-year mentored programs are geared for fellows, residents, and junior faculty with a goal of continuing on to funded research awards.